What Causes Syringomas? Learn the Facts

I remember sitting in the dermatologist’s office, staring at the tiny bumps around my eyes. I wondered, “What’s making these syringomas?” These bumps might look small, but knowing why we get them helps deal with them. Let’s explore what causes syringomas together.

Syringomas are small skin bumps that are usually yellow or skin-colored. They often show up around the eyes, neck, and places with many sweat glands. They start when cells in the sweat ducts grow too much1. This overgrowth happens at the top of the skin and creates these bumps1. Age, gender, ethnicity, and some medical conditions can make you more likely to get syringomas2.

Key Takeaways

  • Syringomas start when sweat duct cells in the skin grow too much, causing benign small bumps.
  • Factors like age, gender, where you come from, and certain health issues can boost the odds of getting syringomas.
  • These bumps are usually small, yellow or skin-colored, and form in symmetrical groups around the eyes, neck, and similar areas.
  • Syringomas don’t usually hurt or bother people much, but they can be taken off if someone wishes, using surgery or lasers.
  • It’s essential to know the causes and risks for syringomas to manage and prevent this skin issue.

Understanding Syringomas: Benign Sweat Gland Growths

Syringomas are small, benign skin growths that come from sweat glands. They are flesh-colored or a bit yellow and often show up in groups. You might see them near the eyes, on the neck, or upper chest. These growths usually don’t harm you, but sometimes they might bother you because of how they look.

Appearance and Characteristics of Syringomas

They look like tiny, hard bumps, ranging from 1 to 3 millimeters wide. Often, they are confused with milia or Fordyce spots. As they come in groups, they can stand out on your skin.

Locations Where Syringomas Commonly Develop

They show up a lot where there are many sweat glands, like on your eyelids or around the neck. These spots get more of them because there are more sweat gland cells there3. Although they can also pop up on other areas, your face, neck, and upper body are where you’ll usually find them.

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“Syringomas are often mistaken for other skin growths, but their distinctive clustering and location around sweat-rich areas like the eyes and neck make them a unique skin condition.”

For many, syringomas are mainly a worry about how they look. They’re not dangerous, and usually, you won’t need to treat them. But knowing how they look and where they pop up can help you if you do want to do something about them.

Syringoma Causes: The Role of Overactive Sweat Glands

The main cause of syringomas is the fast growth of sweat duct cells in the skin’s top layer. These cells start to multiply too much. This leads to the tiny bumps known as syringomas4. This overgrowth of sweat duct cells is what makes these bumps form.

How Sweat Duct Cells Contribute to Syringoma Formation

Syringomas appear more often in young adults, but anyone can get them at any time4. Some genetic issues and certain health conditions or changes in hormones can cause too many sweat duct cells to grow. That’s when syringomas show up45. These bumps, which are very small, show up in clusters on the face, neck, or other parts of the body4.

Experts are still learning about the causes of too many sweat duct cells. They think genes, hormonal changes, and skin injuries might be part of it5. Thankfully, there are treatments available. Things like laser surgery, freezing, or cutting them out can help make syringomas less noticeable5.

Learning about how sweat glands get too active and what makes skin cells multiply too much is important. It helps those with this skin issue find the right treatment with their skin doctor6.

Risk Factors and Conditions Associated with Syringomas

Syringomas are small bumps that show on the skin. They are not just something random. Some factors can make you more likely to get them. Knowing these factors helps you see if you might get syringomas too.

Age, Gender, and Ethnicity Influences

They are more seen in women, especially of Japanese background7. Syringomas are also found more in Asians and those with darker skin7. You might notice them from your teenage years up to your forties2.

In Japan, women get syringomas more than men2. And about 20% of people with Down syndrome have them, which is quite a lot2.

Medical Conditions Linked to Increased Syringoma Risk

Some health issues are connected to higher chances of having syringomas. These are:

  • Down syndrome2
  • Marfan syndrome2
  • Brooke-Spiegler syndrome8
  • Diabetes28,

Folks who are likely to get syringomas might be females, young people, or those with the above syndromes. Lighter-skinned people from their 40s to 60s might also see them2.

“Understanding the risk factors associated with syringomas can help individuals identify if they may be more prone to developing this benign skin condition.”

Syringomas can appear at any time, but they often start in the teenage years2. There are four common types. These include ones linked to families, Down syndrome, and a widespread form2.

Knowing these risk factors helps you watch your skin better. If you see any strange bumps, it’s good to talk to a doctor or a skin specialist right away278.,,

Triggers and Contributing Factors for Syringoma Development

Syringomas are mainly due to overactive sweat glands. But, other causes and triggers affect them. Knowing what causes syringomas can help people spot and deal with things that make it worse.

Hormonal changes play a big part in syringoma development. They often happen in teens after puberty. Girls get them more than boys do9. Changes in hormones, like during puberty or when a woman is pregnant, can start or speed up these growths10.

Things in the environment can also lead to syringomas. Previous skin problems or injuries might start them off10. Hot weather or working out in high temperatures can also be a factor11.

Certain health conditions make syringomas more likely. If you have genetic diseases like Diabetes Mellitus or Marfan’s, you have a higher risk9. And taking some medicines, like anti-epileptic drugs, could also cause them11.

Stress and anxiety could make syringomas worse too. The body’s reaction to stress might increase sweat gland issues, leading to these growths.

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It’s important to know about syringoma triggers and causes. This understanding can help you make choices to keep your skin healthy. It might even reduce the number of syringomas you have.

Differentiating Syringomas from Other Skin Conditions

Syringomas sometimes look like common skin issues, such as milia and Fordyce spots. It’s important to tell them apart for the right diagnosis and treatment. We’ll look at what sets syringomas apart from these other issues.

Syringoma vs. Milia

Milia show up as tiny, white bumps filled with keratin, often in babies12. They form when keratin builds up under the skin, not from sweat glands like syringomas. You mostly find milia around the eyes and cheeks whereas syringomas show up more on the eyelids and upper body12.

Syringoma vs. Fordyce Spots

Fordyce spots are basically bigger sebaceous glands, seen as tiny light bumps, mainly on lips or private areas13. Despite looking alike in some ways, they have different origins. Fordyce spots come from natural gland size differences, while syringomas happen when sweat gland ducts get too active13.

Telling syringomas apart from other conditions is key for the right care. A dermatologist might need to do a skin biopsy for a certain diagnosis. This step helps eliminate other possible skin issues.

Condition Appearance Cause Location
Syringoma Small, skin-colored or yellowish bumps Overgrowth of sweat gland ducts Eyelids, upper body
Milia Small, white, keratin-filled bumps Accumulation of keratin under the skin Face, particularly around the eyes and cheeks
Fordyce Spots Small, pale bumps Enlarged oil glands Lips, genitalia

Knowing the unique features of these skin problems helps you and your dermatologist. You can form the right plan for diagnosis and treatment14.

syringoma causes: Exploring the Etiological Factors

The main causes behind syringomas, which are benign skin growths, are still a bit of a mystery. But, experts point to a few likely reasons these growths happen15.

One big reason seems to be genes. Some families have more prevalent cases of syringoma. Hormonal changes during puberty and in early adulthood might also make sweat duct cells grow too much, forming syringoma16.

People with certain medical conditions, like Down syndrome, have a higher chance of getting syringomas. This skin growth often starts showing up in a person’s 20s or 30s, and it might appear again when they’re in their 50s15.

Being around certain stressors can make syringomas worse. These include heat, humidity, and some chemicals. For some people, their menstrual cycle and the time of year (summer) can worsen their syringomas15.

The causes of syringomas are likely a mix of genes, hormones, and things in the environment. More studies are looking into these links to understand and manage syringomas better151617.

“Understanding the underlying causes of syringomas is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies and providing appropriate care for individuals affected by this condition.”

Types of Syringomas: Classification and Characteristics

Syringomas are a group of harmless skin growths that appear in many ways. It’s important to know the types for proper diagnosis and treatment18.

Localized Syringomas

The most common are localized syringomas, showing up as tiny flesh-colored bumps. They’re often on the lower eyelids and sometimes on the chest, face, neck, and vulva as well18.

Familial Syringomas

Some syringomas run in families, showing up in multiple family members. This is known as familial syringomas19.

Down Syndrome-Associated Syringomas

Those with Down syndrome are more likely to have syringomas. This type is closely linked to the genetic condition of Down syndrome18.

Generalized or Eruptive Syringomas

Eruptive syringomas suddenly cover the skin in young people. They are more common in certain groups, like African Americans or Asians20.

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It’s key for doctors to be able to tell the various syringomas apart. This helps in making the right diagnosis and treatment plans19.

Syringoma Type Characteristics
Localized Syringomas
  • 1- to 4-mm flesh-colored papules
  • Frequently multiple and symmetrically distributed
  • Common on lower eyelids, but can also appear on chest, face, neck, and vulva
  • More common in women and perhaps Asians
Familial Syringomas
  • Inherited form that runs in families
  • Tendency for skin growths to appear in multiple family members
Down Syndrome-Associated Syringomas
  • Commonly associated with the genetic condition of Down syndrome
  • Distinct due to strong genetic link to Down syndrome
Generalized or Eruptive Syringomas
  • Sudden, widespread development of skin growths
  • Thought to be more common in certain ethnic groups, such as African Americans and Asians

Knowing the different types of syringomas is vital for doctors. It helps them diagnose correctly and plan the best treatments19.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Suspected Syringomas

Think you might have syringomas? It’s smart to see a dermatologist or another health expert. They usually can tell just by looking at your skin if you have syringomas21. But now and then, they need to do a skin biopsy. This helps make sure it’s syringomas and not something else21.

Your health provider will ask about your medical history and any symptoms. They’ll look closely at the skin growths. Then, they decide what to do next based on this info21. Things like your age, gender, and ethnicity might play a role, as they affect how syringomas show up and the risks22.

Syringomas look like small, firm, skin-colored or yellow bumps. They’re usually found on the lower eyelids of young women. This happens mostly during the teenage years or early adulthood22. But you can also find them on the face, neck, or even the genital area23.

Eruptive syringomas are pretty rare and show up in waves, mainly on the front of the body in women. They’re tough to treat22. Only a few men get syringomas, and they’re more common in younger people. But for most, they don’t show up in big groups like eruptive ones do22.

Now and then, syringomas may signal an inherited condition. This is why getting a complete check-up is so important. It helps to see if something else is going on23.

Knowing for sure if you have syringomas is key. This way, you can get the right treatment and look after your skin well23.

“Syringomas can be tricky to figure out because they’re not common. They might look like other skin issues. That’s why it’s important to look at the skin and sometimes do a deeper test to be sure it’s syringomas. This helps choose the best way to treat them.”

Treatment Options for Managing Syringomas

Syringomas can look or feel bad, but there are many ways to treat them. You can choose from surgeries to laser therapies and some medicines. It depends on what you need for your syringoma24.

Surgical Removal Techniques

A surgery might be the best if you want them gone for good. Methods like electrosurgery and dermabrasion can remove these growths. Electrosurgery is especially good, with an 84% success rate for eye-area syringomas24. But, there’s a bigger chance of scars with these methods.

Laser and Energy-Based Therapies

Laser and similar treatments are getting more popular. They can make syringomas look much better. CO2 lasers work in 92% of cases, with 83% success for many on the face24. Fractional CO2 lasers also do well, improving syringomas in 88% of people24. These ways don’t have much scarring or need a long time to recover.

Topical and Oral Medications

Some people might find creams or pills helpful. Things like retinoids or adelmidrol can work. Topical adelmidrol was good in a test, helping 77% with big syringomas24. Doctors might give you pills to treat the main cause of your syringomas.

Always talk to a healthcare provider about your options. They can look at your syringomas and suggest what’s best. This way, you can find a good way to deal with how they look or feel and get the result you want256.


Syringomas are small, harmless skin bumps. They come from sweat duct cells growing too much on the skin’s outer layer26. You can often see them near the eyes, on the neck, or other sweaty places26. For some people, they might worry about how they look because of these bumps.

The causes, risks, and ways to treat syringomas matter a lot262728. Taking good care of your skin can possibly lower the chance of getting syringomas or making them worse26. By knowing about syringoma overview, you can choose what to do and get the right help for this skin issue.

To wrap it up, here are the key takeaways on syringomas: they are harmless, look like small bumps, often show up near the eyes or neck, have certain risk factors, and different treatment choices are there. Staying alert and knowing the summary of syringoma information can make dealing with this skin problem easier. It helps in keeping your skin healthy and boost your confidence.

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What are syringomas?

Syringomas are small, noncancerous skin growths. They happen when cells in sweat glands grow too much. You usually see them as tiny yellow or skin-colored bumps around the eyes and neck.

What causes syringomas?

An overactive sweat gland duct is behind syringomas. This makes the little growths form on our skin.

Who is more prone to developing syringomas?

Women and those of Japanese descent tend to get syringomas more. It’s also seen in people between 25 and 40. Conditions like Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome can make syringomas more likely.

What triggers or contributes to the development of syringomas?

Things like exercise, stress, and high temps can start or make syringomas worse. Certain medicines, like some for epilepsy, can also play a role.

How can syringomas be differentiated from other skin conditions?

Syringomas are sometimes mixed up with milia and Fordyce spots. Milia are small, white bumps filled with keratin. Fordyce spots look like small, pale oil glands. It’s vital to diagnose them right to treat them properly.

What are the treatment options for syringomas?

There are a few ways to treat syringomas. Surgery is one, using methods like electrosurgery or dermabrasion. Laser or energy treatments, as well as medications like retinoids, can also work.

Source Links

  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/syringoma
  2. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/syringoma-causes-treatment
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK603740/
  4. https://mhclinics.com.au/treatment/syringomas/
  5. https://www.enrichclinic.com.au/treating-syringomas-small-bumps-on-cheeks-and-lower-eyelids/
  6. https://conloneyeinstitute.com/syringoma_treatment-options-comprehensive-guide/
  7. https://www.dermcoll.edu.au/atoz/syringoma/
  8. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1059871-overview
  9. https://www.jkskinaesthetics.com/post/let-s-talk-syringomas
  10. https://theskinlab.ie/blogs/blog/understanding-syringomas
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092567/
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4372944/
  13. https://qwarkhealth.com/conditions/syringoma
  14. https://drdavinlim.com/syringomas/
  15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628001/
  16. https://www.dermatologyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/dermatology/syringoma-benign-neoplasm-of-skin/
  17. https://europepmc.org/article/med/28971181
  18. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/syringoma
  19. https://www.hkmj.org/abstracts/v24n2/200.htm
  20. https://taylorandfrancis.com/knowledge/medicine-and-healthcare/dermatology/syringoma/
  21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9985670/
  22. https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.aocd.org/resource/resmgr/jaocd/contents/volume40/40-09.pdf
  23. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11670291_Eruptive_syringoma_27_new_cases_and_review_of_the_literature
  24. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1059871-treatment
  25. https://perfectimage.com/blogs/condition/syringoma
  26. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9282696/
  27. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9847486/
  28. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0190962203003578